Gruppo Nardi

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Sperimentali e Cliniche “Mario Serio”

Florence University Radiology Group



Name: Cosimo Nardi

Position: Associate Professor

Name of Research Team: Florence University Radiology Group (FURG)



Brief Biographical sketch of the Coordinator

  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University Study of Florence, Italy: 25 Sep 2008
  • Medical acknowledgement qualification, University Study of Florence, Italy: 05 Mar 2009
  • Radiologist, University Study of Florence, Italy: 04 Jul 2014
  • PhD, University Study of Florence, Italy: 08 Mar 2018
  • Researcher, University Study of Florence, Italy: 01 Jun 2018
  • Associate Professor, University Study of Florence, Italy: 01 May 2024
  • Director of the Master on MRI applications and techniques, University of Florence


Member of the following Scientific Societies

  • Council member of the PhD’s College of Clinical Sciences (UNIFI)
  • Council member of the Head and Neck section of the Italian Society of Radiology
  • ESR – European Society of Radiology (2016 – ongoing) 
  • ESHNR – European Society of Head and Neck Radiology (2019 – ongoing)


Member of editorial board of the following Journals

  • Academic Editor for Applied Sciences
  • Topic Editor for Applied Sciences


Research Team

  1. Linda Calistri, graduated in Medicine at the University of Florence in 2008, specialized in Diagnostic Radiology in 2014, PhD in 2019
  2. Nicholas Landini, graduated in Medicine at the University of Florence in 2010, specialized in Diagnostic Radiology in 2016, PhD in 2022
  3. Eleonora Barcali, graduated in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florence in 2021. PhD student in Information Engineering from 2021
  4. Anna Julie Peired, graduated in Cell Biology and Physiology at the University of Toulouse in 2000, PhD in 2012
  5. Maria Pisano, graduated in Biological Science (Molecular Biology) at the University of Naples in 2019
  6. Andrea Magnini, graduated in Medicine at the University of Florence in 2021, resident radiologist at the University of Florence
  7. Lorenzo Cinci, graduated in Medicine at the University of Florence in 2021, resident radiologist at the University of Florence


Current research interest

  • Head and Neck Imaging. Reference: Prof. Cosimo Nardi
  • Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Imaging. Reference: Dr. Linda Calistri
  • Oncology Imaging. Reference: Dr. Linda Calistri
  • Pulmonary Imaging. Reference: Dr. Nicholas Landini
  • Artificial Intelligence. Reference: Dr. Eleonora Barcali


Current/recent sources of funding

  • Young Fund MIUR 2013, Doctoral Grant Funding.
  • CRPP 2014, Project Funding “Advanced MRI in the assessment of the therapeutic response in lymphoma”.
  • HCMR-Novel predictors of Outcome in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
  • HORIZON 2020, Project Funding “Rapid and secure AI imaging based diagnosis, stratification, follow-up, and preparedness for coronavirus pandemics”.
  • PRIN 2022, Project Funding “Multifaceted quantitative approach by MRI to stratify liver derangement and dysfunction in chronic liver disease: a prospective multicenter study by texture analysis, IVIM evaluation and T1 relaxometry”.
  • 23 profit trials ongoing.



Best publications of the last years


“Hepato-bilio-pancreatic Imaging”

  1. Calistri L, Nardi C, Rastrelli V, Maraghelli D, Grazioli L, Messerini L, Colagrande S. MRI of Peliosis Hepatis: “A Case Series Presentation With a 2022 Systematic Literature Update. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2023 Nov;58(5):1386-1405. doi: 10.1002/jmri.28673. Epub 2023 Mar 29. PMID: 36988385.
  2. Calistri L, Maraghelli D, Nardi C, Vidali S, Rastrelli V, Crocetti L, Grazioli L, Colagrande S. Magnetic resonance imaging of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver: a 2021 systematic literature update and series presentation. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2022 Aug;47(8):2795-2810. doi: 10.1007/s00261-022-03555-9. Epub 2022 Jun 1. PMID: 35648207; PMCID: PMC9300573.
  3. Colagrande S, Calistri L, Grazzini G, Nardi C, Busoni S, Morana G, Grazioli L. MRI features of primary hepatic lymphoma Abdom Radiol (NY). 2018 Sep;43(9):2277-2287. doi: 10.1007/s00261-018-1476-5.



 “Head and neck Imaging”

  1. Nardi C, Maraghelli D, Pietragalla M, Scola E, Locatello LG, Maggiore G, Gallo O, Bartolucci M. “A practical overview of CT and MRI features of developmental, inflammatory, and neoplastic lesions of the sphenoid body and clivus. Neuroradiology”. 2022 Aug;64(8):1483-1509. doi: 10.1007/s00234-022-02986-x. Epub 2022 Jun 3. PMID: 35657394; PMCID: PMC9271108.
  2. Nardi C, Tomei M, pietragalla M, Calistri L, Landini N, Bonomo P, Mannelli G, Mungai F, Bonasera L, Colagrande S. “Texture analysis in the characterization of parotid salivary gland lesions: A study on MR diffusion weighted imaging”. Eur J Radiol. 2021 Mar; 136:109529. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109529.
  3. Nardi C, Vignoli C, Pietragalla M, Tonelli P, Calistri L, Franchi L, Preda L, Colagrande S. “Imaging of mandibular fractures: a pictorial review”. Insights Imaging. 2020 Feb 19;11(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s13244-020-0837-0.



“Oncology Imaging”

  1. Calistri L, Rastrelli V, Nardi C, Maraghelli D, Vidali S, Pietragalla M, Colagrande S. “Imaging of chemotherapy-induced hepatic damage: yellow liver, blue liver, and pseudocirrhosis”. World J Gastroenterol. 2021 Dec 14;27(46):7866-7893. doi: 10.3748/wjg. v27.i46.7866.
  2. Colagrande S, Calistri L, Campani C, Dragoni G, Lorini C, Nardi C, Castellani A, Marra F. “CT volume of enhancement of disease (VED) can predict the early response to treatment and overall survival in patients with advanced HCC treated with sorafenib”. Eur Radiol. 2021 Mar;31(3):1608-1619. doi: 10.1007/s00330-020-07171-3.
  3. Calistri L, Puccini B, Berti V, Grazzini G, Nardi C, Rigacci L, Colagrande S. “Diffusion-Weighted and Perfusion-Weighted MRI to Evaluate Therapeutic Response in Lymphoma: A Comparison with FDG-PET/CT”. Acta Haematol. 2018;139(2):74-76. doi: 10.1159/000485548.


“Pulmonary Imaging”

  1. Landini N, Orlandi M, Calistri L, Nardi C, Ciet P, Bellando-Randone S, Guiducci S, Benkert T, Panebianco V, Morana G, Matucci-Cerinic M, Colagrande S. ”Advanced and traditional chest MRI sequence for the clinical assessment of systemic sclerosis related interstitial lung disease, compared to CT: disease extent analysis and correlations with pulmonary function tests”. Eur J Radiol. 2024 Jan; 170:111239. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.111239. Epub 2023 Nov 27. PMID: 38056347.
  2. Nardi C, Magnini A, Calistri L, Cavigli E, Peired AJ, Rastrelli V, Carlesi E, Zantonelli G, Smorchkova O, Cinci L, Orlandi M, Landini N, Berillo E, Lorini C, Mencarini J, Colao MG, Gori L, Luzzi V, Lazzeri C, Cipriani E, Bonizzoli M, Pieralli F, Nozzoli C, Morettini A, Lavorini F, Bartoloni A, Rossolini GM, Matucci-Cerinic M, Tomassetti S, Colagrande S. “Doubts and concerns about COVID-19 uncertainties on imaging data, clinical score, and outcomes”. BMC Pulm Med. 2023 Nov 25;23(1):472. doi: 10.1186/s12890-023-02763-3. PMID: 38007479; PMCID: PMC10675953.
  3. Landini N, Orlandi M, Occhipinti M, Nardi C, Tofani L, Bellando-Randone S, Ciet P, Wielopolski P, Benkert T, Bruni C, Bertolo S, Moggi-Pignone A, Matucci-Cerinic M, Morana G, Colagrande S. Ultrashort Echo-Time Magnetic Resonance “Imaging Sequence in the Assessment of Systemic Sclerosis-Interstitial Lung Disease”. J Thorac Imaging. 2023 Mar 1;38(2):97-103. doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000637. Epub 2022 Feb 4. PMID: 35482025.


“Artificial Intelligence”

  1. Barcali, E.; Iadanza, E.; Manetti, L.; Francia, P.; Nardi, C.; Bocchi, L. “Augmented Reality in Surgery: A Scoping Review”. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 6890.
  2. Simoni, A.; Barcali, E.; Lorenzetto, C.; Tiribilli, E.; Rastrelli,V.; Manetti, L.; Nardi, C.; Iadanza, E.;Bocchi, L. “Innovative Tool for Automatic Detection of Arterial Stenosis on Cone Beam Computed Tomography”. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 805. app13020805.
  3. Scapicchio C, Chincarini A, Ballante E, Berta L, Bicci E, Bortolotto C, Brero F, Cabini RF, Cristofalo G, Fanni SC, Fantacci ME, Figini S, Galia M, Gemma P, Grassedonio E, Lascialfari A, Lenardi C, Lionetti A, Lizzi F, Marrale M, Midiri M, Nardi C, Oliva P, Perillo N, Postuma I, Preda L, Rastrelli V, Rizzetto F, Spina N, Talamonti C, Torresin A, Vanzulli A, Volpi F, Neri E, Retico A. “A multicenter evaluation of a deep learning software (LungQuant) for lung parenchyma characterization in COVID-19 pneumonia”. Eur Radiol Exp. 2023 Apr 10;7(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s41747-023-00334-z. PMID: 37032383; PMCID: PMC10083148.


Main scientific contributions

  • Horizon 2020 European funding Programme. Principal Investigator for University of Florence: Prof. Cosimo Nardi. Title of the project: DRAGON “Rapid and secure AI imaging based diagnosis, stratification, follow-up and preparedness for coronavirus pandemics”.
  • PRIN 2022. Principal Investigator for University of Florence: Dr. Linda Calistri. Title of the project: Multifaceted quantitative approach by Magnetic Resonance Imaging to stratify liver derangement and dysfunction in chronic liver disease: a prospective multicenter study by texture analysis, IVIM evaluation and T1 relaxometry.

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