The RapiD and SecuRe AI enhAnced DiaGnosis, Precision Medicine and Patient EmpOwerment Centered Decision Support System for Coronavirus PaNdemics DRAGON

Responsabile scientifico: Dot. NARDI COSIMO
Call: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2020-21-single-stage
Topic: IMI2-2020-21-01 - Development of therapeutics and diagnostics combatting coronavirus infections
Action: RIA (Research and Innovation Action)
Proposal Number: 101005122
Data di avvio: 1 Ottobre 2020
Data di completamento: 31 Marzo 2024
Total cost € 11 542 642,00
Diagnosing COVID-19 and, crucially, predicting how the disease will progress in different patients,
remains a challenge. The DRAGON project aims to use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning to develop a decision support system capable of delivering a more precise coronavirus
diagnosis and more accurate predictions of patient outcomes.
The project will draw on new and existing data and sample collection efforts, including CT
(computed tomography) scans to carry out detailed profiling of patients. They will then use AI
technology to transform this information into a precision medicine approach that will help clinicians
and patients with decision making around treatments.
Underpinning all of this will be a federated machine learning system that will allow the use of data
from a range of international sources while complying with the EU’s General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR).
A patient and public advisory group will provide advice and input throughout the project.

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