New insights into endometriosis pathogenesis: role of sphingosine                                                IN CORSO    1-phosphate in neutrophil activation PROSPECT

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile : Caterina Bernacchioni

Trodusquemine as a novel drug against TDP-43-associated proteinopathies:                            IN CORSO      structural, biological and computational investigation

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Roberta Cascella

Role of lactate as a metabolic regulator of ferroptosis sensitivity                                                   IN CORSO  and metastatic dissemination in cancer cells

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Elisa Giannoni

Aging and decline of renal progenitor regenerative capacity:                                                            IN CORSO identification of molecular mechanisms and anti-senescent                                                                        molecules as therapeutic treatments for CKD

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Elena Lazzeri

Developing PEPtide molecules targeting the plant immune                                                            IN CORSO system to fight HERBicide-resistant weeds [PEP-HERB]

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Simone Luti

Longitudinal thrombo-inflammatory profiling of individuals                                                           IN CORSO undergoing gender-affirming hormone therapy (Hyper-gender study)

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Linda Vignozzi

Sexual and reproductive benefits of lifestyle changes in diabetic subjects                                  IN CORSO    Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Giulia Rastrelli

Understanding the Origin and Behavior of Ectopic LipIds eXcess depots:                                    IN CORSO    the OBELIX study

Tipologia: PRIN 2022 PNRR

Responsabile: Giulia Cantini


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