The Section of Biochemistry

The Section of Biochemistry exploits biochemical methods and molecular approaches to investigate key processes involved in biology and human diseases. These include the role of microenvironment in the regulation of tumor progression and metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells, the role of sphingosine 1-phosphate and other bioactive lipids in the regulation of key cell responses, protein folding and misfolding and their association with neurodegenerative diseases, the protective effects of plant molecules, particularly polyphenols, against degenerative diseases, the structure-function relationship of proteins and peptides, systematic proteomics, protein tyrosine phosphatases and tumorigenesis, oxidative medicine, bio-redox bio-medicine, bio-active peptides and nutraceuticals, etc.



Nutraceuticals Against Chronic Diseases (Coordinator Monica Bucciantini)

Laboratory of chemical biology of neurodegeneration(Coordinator Cristina Cecchi) 

Biotechnology Laboratory (Coordinator Paola Chiarugi) 

Laboratory for the Study of Protein Misfolding Diseases (Coordinator Fabrizio Chiti) 

Laboratorio CaPaCi (Coordinator Paolo Cirri)

Anticorpi, molecole bioattive e bioinformatica  (Coordinator Donatella Degl’Innocenti)

Unità di ricerca di biologia molecolare e biologia applicata (Coordinator Elisabetta Meacci)

Laboratory for the study of endocrine tumours, mineral metabolism diseases, musculoskeletal pain and redox regulated mechanisms (Coordinator Teresa Iantomasi)

Cellular and Molecular Biology (Coordinator Tania Fiaschi)

Laboratorio di proteomica sistematica e biologia applicata (Coordinator Alessandra Modesti)

Tumor biochemistry team (Coordinator Andrea Morandi)

Laboratory of Enzymology, Drug Discovery and Protein targeting (Coordinator Paolo Paoli)

Pro-Pep (Coordinator Luigia Pazzagli) 

Tirosinofosfatasi e tumorigenesi (Coordinator Giovanni Raugei)

Medicina Ossidativa (Coordinator Niccolò Taddei)

ComBiRama (Coordinator Matteo Ramazzotti)

Cancer Omics Laboratory

Laboratory of Cell Biology and Biochemistry of Bioactive Lipids (Coordinator Chiara Donati)




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