Head and neck paragangliomas: histopathological, genetic and clinical correlation

Pheochromocytomas (PCC) and paragangliomas (PGLs) are rare neuroendocrine neoplasms. PGL derive from sympathetic (thoraco-abdominal-pelvic), or parasympathetic ganglia (head and neck, HN). HNPGLs are generally non-functioning, and only rare cases secrete catecholamines. The classification of PCC/PGL as malignant is based on the identification of distant metastases.

Malignancy is diagnosed only when there is metastasis on the site where paraganglia tissue is not normally found. This helps avoid interpreting multiple primary lesions as metastatic (1). There are no reliable morphologic criteria by which to separate the benign from the malignant forms; therefore, risk assessment models have been proposed. Despite the similarities between sympathetic lesions (PCCs and thoraco-abdominal-pelvic PGLs) and parasympathetic ones (HNPGLs), several differences exist between these tumors. As of today, reliable clinical, biochemical, histopathologic, or molecular markers of malignant potential are lacking. Different scores (PASS, GAPP, COPPS) were developed in PCC and sympathetic PGL, but not specifically in parasympathetic PGL, in order to stratify their metastatic risk. We will retrospectively analyze a large series of parasympathetic PGL (HNPGL) with the existent scores (PASS, GAPP, and COPPS). Histopathological parameters will be then correlated first of all with results of genetic analysis and then with clinical, biochemical, and imaging data of surgically resected HNPGL to identify patients at higher risk. The aim of the project is to develop a score dedicated to HNPGL mainly based on histopathological and genetic parameters. In fact, we will carry out histopathological and genetic tissue analysis using a Next- Generation Sequencing (NGS) panel of 32 susceptibility genes. Our findings are expected to positively affect the clinical management of these patients.



Data di avvio 18 Ottobre 2023

Data di completamento 18 Ottobre 2025

Total cost  € 81396,00


Progetto 2022E5FNL7 finanziato all’interno del Bando PRIN 2022 di cui al Decreto Direttoriale n. 104 del 02/02/2022 nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 – Componente 2. Dalla Ricerca all’Impresa - Investimento 1.1 Fondo per il Programma Nazionale della Ricerca (PNR) e Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN), finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU – CUP B53D23021440001

Banda loghi PNRR_UNIFI


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