PRIN 2022

Brain estrogen receptor expression in the perimenopausal                                                              IN CORSO transition: kinetic and geometric analyses of [18F]-fluoroestradiol                                                                  (FES) PET/CT and correlation with neuropsychological, biochemical                                                                    and magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Valentina Berti

Innovative therapeutic interventions against Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis                                IN CORSO Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Francesca Bianchini    

A multifaceted quantitative approach by Magnetic Resonance                                                        IN CORSO Imaging to stratify liver derangement and dysfunction in                                                                                chronic liver disease: a prospective multicenter study                                                                                                by texture analysis, IVIM evaluation and T1 relaxometry

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Linda Calistri

Head and neck paragangliomas: histopathological, genetic and clinical correlation                    IN CORSO  Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Letizia Canu

Decoding distinctive features of EXtracellular vesicles In TDP-43 proteinopathies – EXIT        IN CORSO  Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Roberta Cascella

Insight into the molecular mechanisms of pulmonary fibrosis:                                                         IN CORSO new targets to control the switch from fibrotic to regenerative                                                                      fibroblast phenotype - SMILE

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Francesca Cencetti

Primary parathyroid hormone deficiency and resistance:                                                                  IN CORSO focus on alterations of phosphate and magnesium metabolism                                                                          and their impact on clinical outcomes: the PARAPHOSPH study

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Luisella Cianferotti

Immunological TArgeting of CAncer cells through Mvs-mediated tagging                                     IN CORSO  Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Paolo Cirri

Identification of novel molecular mechanisms affecting spermatogenesis,                                  IN CORSO sperm maturation and epigenetic signature in obesity-related male infertility

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile Chiara Donati

Head down tilt 15° to increase collateral flow in acute                                                                      IN CORSO ischemic stroke: a translational, multi-center, randomized, proof of concept phase 2a trial in patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy (DOWN-SUITE)

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Enrico Fainardi

Unveiling the microbial impact on intestinal fibrosis and                                                                    IN CORSO    the associated immune microenvironment: new insights for the                                                                pathogenesis and treatment of Crohn's disease-associated complications

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Andrea Galli

In-depth genetic study and clinical follow-up in fetuses                                                                     IN CORSO with I and II trimester unspecific signs of increased                                                                                                  risk to predict fetal prognosis and inform parental decision-making

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Francesca Gensini

Metabolic alterations and immune escape in                                                                                         IN CORSO colorectal cancer: "activity metabolomics" as a novel therapeutic approach

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Elisa Giannoni

Chemotherapy exposure of testicular cancer survivors:                                                                       IN CORSO study of genetic and epigenetic alterations in spermatozoa

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile:  Csilla Gabriella Krausz

Tubular epithelial cell polyploidy in MYH9-related disease nephropathy                                        IN CORSO  Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Elena Lazzeri

Characterizing the role of CD300e receptor in obesity:                                                                         IN CORSO low-grade inflammation, insulin-resistance and immunomodulatory properties

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Francesco Lolli

Integrating cutting-edge tools for targeted approach to                                                                    IN CORSO  patients with adrenocortical tumors (COOL-REACT)

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Michaela Luconi

The role of maternal hemodynamics in therapy of hypertensive                                                     IN CORSO disease of pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Federico Mecacci

Is NRF2-driven metabolic reprogramming a unique                                                                            IN CORSO feature of cancer cells? A study on normal, preneoplastic and neoplastic hepatocytes.

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile:  Andrea Morandi

Advanced Lung Phantom based on Hierarchical                                                                                    IN CORSO mAterials for multimodal theranostics (ALPHA)

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Stefania Pallotta

Design and building of a setup for the detection of beta                                                                      IN CORSO emitter contaminants in radiopharmaceutical drugs in medical diagnostics

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile: Alessandro Passeri

Sensing kidney damage and tumor trasformation piezoelectric nanowebs                                    IN CORSO

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile:  Paola Romagnani

InTrEPID: In vivo 3D dosimetry in radiotherapy Treatments with EPID                                              IN CORSO

Tipologia: PRIN 2022

Responsabile:  Cinzia Talamonti


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